dreams oil joints
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
so i'm home. until may 31st when i go back to columbs for SURF.
This end of the year brings about many things. For one, the seniors from Uptown Local are all leaving. I barely got to say my goodbyes at the party. Those people had become a very large and very welcome part of my social life in the past year, after I got freed up from certain ties. Not that those ties were not welcome when they were there, but nonetheless, knowing the ultimate folks like I know them now, I wish I had spent more time with them during my freshman year.
I think what bugs me most about their departure is that I don't know if I'll ever see them again. Come to think of it, the people I'm most likely (at least seen from now) to continue seeing for my whole life are those few people from high school that I keep seeing on breaks.
more ramblings of this nature to come later when i'm not so lazy.
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