dreams oil joints
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
So it seems that I will never get gmail until the final version comes out. That sorta kills the name of this fine piece of journalistic literature, but whatever. Once i actually get an account, I'll change it.
Anyway, I"m still home for another couple of days. Saw high school frisbee people at my brother's practices, so I got to play some ultimate! It had been.. about 2 weeks? Maybe 3. The coach, Mr. Larry David, refused to let me and some other alums play because it would be "unfair", or some bullshit like that.
Lexington is still the same old town. Movies with Chris and Adrian and ... HALO. On XBox. BOOYAH I love that game and I suck so much. It's good to be back and see da croo though
My house has also accumulated a ridiculous amount of cones and police barriers and those huge orange cylinder things from various coning incidents, mostly directed at my sister when her spanish exchange students came over. The plan is to unleash that entire arsenal into shaming one individual. Ah yes we are lame. Nonetheless it will be fun. I might keep a sign for my room next year though. We'll see.
Also, I need to take less courses next semester, and do less stuff. I don't think I'll be working in a lab anymore, because 1) I couldn't make any big enough time slots in my schedule and 2) I"m doing SURF this summer in the same lab, so that takes care of my lab requirement for the bio major. This semester was not disastrous by any extent of the imagination, but less good than the previous ones. Oh well, it's just a gpa.
About majors and workload too: I can't get myself to make a decision about how much classics I want to do. The full classics major? The classical studies major? The ancient studies major? Or just a classics minor? Or nothing at all, just take classes that look interesting to me. I really like the subject, for reasons that will be elaborated upon later if I can get them to make any sense in writing. But at the same time I don't want to take classes that I won't like. The other complicating factor is that I may want to study in Rome through some program run by Duke (the university), because it seems like it's a fuckin amazing program. Latin and Greek; Roman art, architecture and history, plus some renaissance stuff. To be accepted in the program though I probably need to be a classics major. And get some good letters of recommendation. Hopefully the elegaic poetry course with Gareth Williams (apparently one of the best profs at CU and chair of the classics department) next semester will get me a good letter.
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