dreams oil joints
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
the state of the union speech is, as far as i'm concerned, meaningless drivel. how can we believe anything this guy says anymore? how can we believe any thing he states as fact? how can we be sure that he will fund any program he describes, be it for iraq or for aids relief? in the past he hasn't exactly shown himself to be truthful or forward in many situations.
harvard interview was today. it was a much more pleasant experience than i had anticipated. had a really good discussion with my first interviewer about the more general aspects of my research, such as its goals, its utility to science etc... A welcome change from being quizzed on the details of the experiments and the background. penn on friday, and that's it. all this traveling has started to wear on me, and rehashing canned answers to canned questions, accompanied by any quantity of free food or alcohol, gets old quickly. i've seen the places i would attend, enough now. i want to relax and enjoy my last semester at columbia.
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