dreams oil joints
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
three things i forgot in my last post:

- it's amazing how much a cup of coffee and having done the readings can improve my enjoyment of lit classes. it's like, i'm awake *and* i know what the hell is going on! wow. too bad i didn't discover this before my last semester here.

- a mouse decided to audit my translation and society class (there are maybe 5 people in this class. murine input would be much valued). there was a lectern on the floor in the front corner of the classroom, and halfway through class i start seeing something peek out the small space between the lectern and the wall. the thing peeks out and disappears back into the lectern a couple times. at first i thought it was just a piece of fabric fluttering in and out with an air current from a heating vent. then the mouse became more adventurous and stepped all the way out, which completely freaked out two of the girls in the class, even though they were at least 10 feet away from the mouse. the teacher then tried to catch the mouse by placing a trash can horizontally on the floor and running the mouse into it. this did not work. instead, the mouse decided to forego the trashcan and run diagonally across the room to the safety and comfort of the radiator in the back of the room. again, intense yelps from the girls in the class, especially when the mouse got tangled momentarily in someone's bookbag.

two questions:

why are there mice in hamilton? there's no food in hamilton, apart from discarded lit hum and cc midterms, and the occasional spec. my late hamster (may he rest in peace) told me these make excellent rodent bedding, but not food.


why are people (girls) afraid of mice? they're 3 inches long! the only way they can hurt you is if they jump into your neck and gnaw on your carotid! that's never going to happen, because they are the ones who are deathly afraid of us!

- the babies that play around campus make me smile. yesterday as i was walking to the subway to get to tutoring, this baby, maybe 2, 3 years old, was playing soccer with his dad on college walk. after kicking the ball to his dad, he runs up to his dad, kicks the ball even further, and then proceeds to sprint in the opposite direction while shouting, "bye bye daddy!" so cute.
another baby story: a week or two ago, i saw a 5 year old standing on the sundial yelling to his probably-professor dad, "daddy daddy i'm going to give a talk!"

i think that's about it for now.

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