dreams oil joints
Thursday, May 27, 2004
vintage flanders.
me: chris you dirty bastard
chris: lol
chris: what!?
chris: maxime!?
me: hahaha
chris: moi!?
chris: i don't know what you are talking about
chris: i think you are the one with your dirty mind
chris: imagining compromising situations
chris: for certain individuals
(something something my sister possibly attending one of our parties).
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
So it seems that I will never get gmail until the final version comes out. That sorta kills the name of this fine piece of journalistic literature, but whatever. Once i actually get an account, I'll change it.
Anyway, I"m still home for another couple of days. Saw high school frisbee people at my brother's practices, so I got to play some ultimate! It had been.. about 2 weeks? Maybe 3. The coach, Mr. Larry David, refused to let me and some other alums play because it would be "unfair", or some bullshit like that.
Lexington is still the same old town. Movies with Chris and Adrian and ... HALO. On XBox. BOOYAH I love that game and I suck so much. It's good to be back and see da croo though
My house has also accumulated a ridiculous amount of cones and police barriers and those huge orange cylinder things from various coning incidents, mostly directed at my sister when her spanish exchange students came over. The plan is to unleash that entire arsenal into shaming one individual. Ah yes we are lame. Nonetheless it will be fun. I might keep a sign for my room next year though. We'll see.
Also, I need to take less courses next semester, and do less stuff. I don't think I'll be working in a lab anymore, because 1) I couldn't make any big enough time slots in my schedule and 2) I"m doing SURF this summer in the same lab, so that takes care of my lab requirement for the bio major. This semester was not disastrous by any extent of the imagination, but less good than the previous ones. Oh well, it's just a gpa.
About majors and workload too: I can't get myself to make a decision about how much classics I want to do. The full classics major? The classical studies major? The ancient studies major? Or just a classics minor? Or nothing at all, just take classes that look interesting to me. I really like the subject, for reasons that will be elaborated upon later if I can get them to make any sense in writing. But at the same time I don't want to take classes that I won't like. The other complicating factor is that I may want to study in Rome through some program run by Duke (the university), because it seems like it's a fuckin amazing program. Latin and Greek; Roman art, architecture and history, plus some renaissance stuff. To be accepted in the program though I probably need to be a classics major. And get some good letters of recommendation. Hopefully the elegaic poetry course with Gareth Williams (apparently one of the best profs at CU and chair of the classics department) next semester will get me a good letter.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
so i'm home. until may 31st when i go back to columbs for SURF.
This end of the year brings about many things. For one, the seniors from Uptown Local are all leaving. I barely got to say my goodbyes at the party. Those people had become a very large and very welcome part of my social life in the past year, after I got freed up from certain ties. Not that those ties were not welcome when they were there, but nonetheless, knowing the ultimate folks like I know them now, I wish I had spent more time with them during my freshman year.
I think what bugs me most about their departure is that I don't know if I'll ever see them again. Come to think of it, the people I'm most likely (at least seen from now) to continue seeing for my whole life are those few people from high school that I keep seeing on breaks.
more ramblings of this nature to come later when i'm not so lazy.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
i forgot about this post i had saved for edit on monday of last week. so here it is:
checkin out this new formatting thing...
finals so far:
CC done
italian done
physics done. this one is very special because it will push pure physics out of my life forever. hopefully physical chemistry, if i do end up taking it, will not have too much physics, though this seems unlikely.
bio done.
this leaves greek on thursday.
so, between now and thursday, i will be tossing, sleeping, drinking in small quantities to prime myself for thursday night, and studying if i can fit it into my busy, busy schedule.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
hm still no gmail. I haven't heard of anyone who has created a blogger blog after the gmail offer came out and received an invitation. It is just a beta though, and I have found only one other person with my name in the world when I googled it.
Had my first 2 finals yesterday. Italian went fine, studied for 20 minutes before it and finished in an hour. Then came CC. Not so fun... Hopefully the prof will be generous, and hopefully she will remember all those times I participated in class, because I certainly can't.
STILL no idea if I'm gonna be in Boston this summer; as time passes it gets less and less likely. I guess working in Kandel's lab is not so bad though. But I would like to see more green this summer. Maybe because I'm not doing SURF my mentor will not care if I don't work that much. Go home for a week a couple times, throw parties when the rents are in Europe, see people from high school, play some ultimate with the old fooligans.
I wonder when someone is gonna find out about this. Is it bad form to tell people? Probably not...
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
still no gmail.....
on another note, regionals was a bit disappointing. when we get into that funk, it's so hard for us to get out of it and start playing well again. Maybe our poor showing was also due to the switching of practice times, which made us have only one practice a week where most people could show up and we could practice as a team.
still though.... princeton and rutgers went to backdoor semis? WTF????????
I have yet to completely test this hypothesis, but I think that because I was not there to watch our elimination game I was not as disappointed as the others on the team. I know that even when I'm on the sidelines, which is most of the time, and we start losing, I get very frustrated as well. Thanks for getting hurt, Mara!
Finals are coming up, but they haven't hit me yet. I've been reading a couple of CC books that I didn't touch this semester in a feeble attempt at studying, but something tells me I should do more, especially since I'm going to miss the review session. Fortunately I have something good to look forward to after that final...